Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oh, was I blogging?

He walked a week after my last post.  And hasn't stopped since.  He was home sick for two days in August, right when he turned 15 months and he took like 4 steps across the living room right in front of me.  And he's been going, going, going ever since. 

It's pretty fun now.  I still can't believe he went from nothing at his year appt, to crawling across the basement at Josh and Kristine's by the 4th of July to walking by the next month. 

Little Boy is almost 18 months now; just a few more days to go.  He really is SO much fun.  Cars (the Pixar movie) is the favorite right now.  Code name: "Vroom";  everything is "Mama" too; all objects and people.  And when you answer the right name to something he is pointing to, he says "YEAH!!!"

We think that he might have a slight allergy/tummy trouble with Mac-n-Cheese, but not totally sure.  Mac-n-cheese seems to coordinate with some sort of stomach bug he has at the time; but, they sure are some gross, gross diapers. 

I can't wait for him to be potty trained so I don't have to change them anymore.  All in due time. 


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