Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stormy Weather

Current weather map; we are also watching cars try to wade through 2 feet of water trapped under the Green Tree Rd overpass on I-43 near Good Hope Rd.  And a guy just got off the bus on 43 and got onto another bus. 
They closed the storm drains because of construction debris and now the interstate is flooded; actually, both main North-South highways (43 and 45) are closed because of standing water covering the roadway. 

This is some crazy stuff!  There was 7.2 inches of rain at Channel 4 WTMJ, which is basically downtown, for lack of better geography. 

We have a small lake in the basement, because the gutter was overflowing onto the ground by the NE corner and it just runs back into the house.  We should fix that.  Whoops! 

In other house news, we are working on refinancing the house.  Much better rate, much lower payment = amazing.  We can possibly save $150 a month, which will go nicely on the credit cards; I'm thrilled!

Next up:  Car refi to dump the 9.75% interest rate that we currently carry, which is totally absurd. 

Little Boy is doing well -- lots of crawling and cruising and kneeling and babbling.  I'm thinking that he will be walking by the end of summer; hopefully, once he has mastered that skill, the language will start to build again.  He will babble in sentences; you can't understand him, but he speaks in sentences.  Also, he has 99% mastered the toy that he got from my aunt and uncle for Christmas; I'm generally pretty impressed.  With all of our worrying and fussing about him, he's turned out to be a very funny little boy.  A very funny Daddy's boy.  :)


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